Monday, March 28, 2011

When It Was Monday Morning

His alarm clock rang at 8:00 a.m. His cellphone alarm rang two minutes before. He turned both of them off without getting out of bed and went back to sleep. He woke up twenty-six minutes after, at 8:26 a.m. He was bitter the weekend had ended, it had been a good weekend. He thought "Monday." Then thought about whether 'Monday' and 'mundane' came from the same Greek root word and what possible relation both of the words could have. He got out of bed and put on clothes. He wore a beanie so he wouldn't have to do anything to his hair. He boiled water for coffee then peed. He did things in the restroom. He heard the water boiling and turned it off and made his coffee. He thought about the 'perfect sugar to coffee' ratio. Probably two sugar tablespoons for each spoonful of coffee. He thought "Spoons. Spooning."

He got in his car, carrying a bag, his coffee, whole wheat/multi grain sweet bread, and drove to college. He ate in his car while driving on the freeway. He listened to "Bright Lit Blue Skies" by Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti and mumbled as if singing, but he didn't really sing because it was Monday. He got to school and walked to class. He saw a man on crutches trying to get out of his car. He asked if he needed help and the man said no, so he kept walking to class. He usually liked his first class, except for some of the people in it.

He opened his classroom door and the most annoying girl of all time screeched "Good morning!". He replied in a droney tone "Hello" and sat on his desk while reading "Eat When You Feel Sad" by Zachary German. The girl kept talking to the other 3 people in the classroom. He heard the girl talk about how her Starbucks coffee was 'way too strong' for her, and began making assumptions about what they had done to her drink. She said maybe they had put a shot in it or something, she then walked around the classroom like a crack addict just that instead of crack she's addicted to attention and she was desperately fiending it. (An attention addict?) He took his cellphone out and updated his Facebook. "You make me wish I had a shotgun, to shoot you in the face with it" he typed, referring to the attention addict. He thought the wish alone to shoot her was useless, it only mattered if he actually did it.

A Korean woman who is probably thirty-something years old and divorced her husband a while ago sits next to him. She got there and saw him reading "Eat When You Feel Sad" by Zachary German. She said "Good thing that you're young and have a fast metabolism. When you get to thirty it all starts catching up to you." He said "Maybe I won't make it to thirty". "Well if there's sinners there's going to be people" she replied. He stayed quiet and thought "She believes in the concept of 'sins'". He thought she had 'flirted' with him last week when she said he had beautiful eyes, but wasn't really sure if she was just being nice.

In class they talked about interpersonal, personal communication. Not for professional, but social purposes. The professor talked about self-disclosure. He thought he knew about this. There are four quadrants of information about you, regarding self-disclosure. Self disclosure is the revelation of things to others that they otherwise wouldn't know. That which is known to one's self and known to others is open information. That which is not known to one's self but is known to others is blind information. That which is known to one's self but unknown to others is hidden information. That which is unknown to both is unknown information. All from the person's point of view. The larger your open quadrant of information is, the easier it is for interpersonal, personal communication to exist. "No one knows anything about me. I talk to no one IRL" he thought.

The teacher said something about reading a book in public to let people know you're not interested in them. He thought "Maybe I choose to read subconsciously so that no one would talk to me", then he realized "I don't do it subconsciously".

Then they talked about how the internet is affecting communication. He spoke in class. He said "Facebook diminished the meaning of the word 'friends' because not every one you add 'as a friend' is really your friend". The thirty-something Korean woman said "When I came back to school I was sad when I saw all the kids in the lobby typing with a blank expression on their faces". He thought "I'm one of those people". Another girl said one time she saw her friend type "LOL" and not laugh out loud and she thought it was funny. He remembered about one time when that happened to him too. The attention addicted girl said she liked talking about herself and the teacher said that was fine but we're not 'supposed to' listen. Another girl agreed and both of the girl's eyes met and they kind of insulted one another via stares. "Bitch" they probably thought about one another.

He thought it would be funny if they started to fight.

Class ended. He ate a plum while walking upstairs to the third floor. He saw girls. He felt like they were looking at him, maybe they thought he looked good. He stood outside his classroom, reading while eating a plum.

He walked into the classroom and put his things under his desk. He looked around. The girl that usually sits next to him wasn't there and there was another girl to his other side. He said hi. She smiled and said hi. They had to find partners for discussion and they didn't talk for the rest of the class.

When class ended, he thought about going to the library to do homework but he didn't. He ate a granola bar. He walked through the parking lot and someone called him. He got close to a car and saw his friend in there. He said he was going to smoke weed. They smoked weed. Then they drove away. They drove next to each other for a while, they screamed things at one another and it felt like they were racing. He thought "Maybe races are really started by two people simultaneously coinciding in the feeling of being in a race".

He had to pump gas. It was really expensive. He stood next to the gas pump while his car was being filled with gasoline. He thought vaguely of pumping gas being like throwing money away or something. It was evil. Gas companies just fucking with people however they want. He thought about the concept of money until he remembered he was high.

He drove fast. He listened to "Lost at Sea" by Puro Instinct. He saw a person walking on the street and thought about what it'd be like to run over a person. He got on the freeway and thought he had seen everything before. He listened to Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti. He liked Ariel Pink because his music reminds him of LA. He thought Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti's record titled "Before Today" was really good. It all had a cohesive sound or something. "New Ariel Pink still sounds like (old) Ariel Pink, even if it isn't all lo-fi anymore. It's just good music". He thought 'those terms/words don't mean anything' while thinking about 'lo-fi' and other things that don't mean anything. He drove fast.

He was close to home. He listened to "Can't Hear My Eyes" by Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti and thought about a girl. He liked the lyrics and thought it'd be cool to have sex or make out with that song playing in the background. "I think too many hypothetical sexual situations" he thought, "Who cares". He got to his house, and ate a whole bag of chips he had stole in Tijuana, a banana, and drank some orange juice. He wrote things on the internet and kept eating.

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