Thursday, April 26, 2012

murder me in the newspaper with the wind

tackle me passiontly between
a rose bush and you

just kidding
who do you think i am, payton manning?
fuck payton manning and his wife

it is rumored that payton manning makes a cameo
in every commercial that has ever existed.
even as a child

what the fuck does
payton manning have to do with the way i love you?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

why i'm not on instagram

my phone doesn't have internet so i can't

even if i did,

  • i wouldn't because it would make me feel too vulnerable. knowing that potentially [three digit number] of followers know what i am looking at, what i am doing or where i am at one moment makes me feel incredibly overwhelmed and exposed
  • i really do not need another social media thing that requires my constant attention. it is difficult to keep up with all the things i already have (twitter, facebook, blogger and tumblr). sometimes, with constant new chapbooks and collections of poetry being released by friends, it feels as if i'm 'staying behind' because i don't release anything new every week. i can't
  • i just don't do things. i will not take pictures of a beautiful mountain that looks like it's from the 60's or a dreamy picture of what i am about to eat because i spend ~87% of my time in front of my computer, alone in my room. 
  • it seems instigating, maybe i'm biased
i don't know