Do not confuse lack of care for not being informed. Be aware of everything around you, the net. Knowing what's happening around you is the best way to determine the things you won't care about. Undoubtedly, the easiest part about not caring about stuff is not caring about the factual concrete things that are right in front of you. It's easy to walk past a dead body. It's easy to not donate a quarter of a dollar to HIV people. It's easy to turn your head the other way when facing something you're 'supposed to care (feel something) about'. This will 'lay the foundation' for the hardest part of not caring about stuff.
The hardest part about not caring about stuff is not caring about your own feelings. As backwards as it may seem, not caring about your own feelings is the most selfish thing a person can do. By not caring about your own feelings and thoughts for the sake of easing your life by relieving yourself of the whole 'feeling feelings' thing, you are completely cutting off chances of getting hurt. You're diminishing whatever importance feelings held once before in your life. Anger. Happiness. Love. Sadness. All the feelings you once felt have now became a mega (lack of) feeling. Bleakness. Bleakness will allow you to ignore your own feelings and not get hurt.
Time will pass, you will feel less and less everyday. Your life will be bleaker. You won't be happy, or sad, or angry, or lovely. You will be bleak. "Life in Bleak" would be a good title for a book. "Back to Bleak" can be a good title for a sophomore album that will let some people down, but if you stick around you'll be satisfied when "4eaea Bleak" is released. The band's third album, a crowning achievement of bleakness. A whole bunch of nothing.
When living a bleak life you will sometimes feel like you feel like you're a shell of a person. But you won't care. You'll wanna scream all the time. You will feel like you feel very lonely, more than lonely really. Alienated. You will not be able to relate to any-one/thing because you don't remember how to feel (empathy). You will feel like you feel like you're trapped in your own life. You will wake up every morning and think "It's a nice day for the world to end." You will feel like a rat sometimes. You will spend hours in front of your computer, doing pointless things. 'Interacting' with other bleak people online. Like if you put two robots in a room. They will share information. They will share what they think are their feelings. They will share what they think are their fears. They will share their deepest secrets, without really knowing the other robot. Only because it is the only thing they know how to do. Bitch. And because they're that alone. Not because they care, or feel pain. But because when you don't feel feelings, it's the only thing you can really do to feel like you feel again. But you're walking in circles. You're a recycling bin. You're eating your own shit. But at least you won't feel.
Can robots friend other robots?
awesome. thank you.