Feel like you miss going to parties and getting drunk and making out with people. But then remember that's how you became the lonely person you are today. Maybe you shouldn't have gone to parties and got drunk and made out with people to begin with. That's not really 'who you are'. Maybe you're more like the type to have a bottle of Absolut vodka in his room and drink it with orange juice alone at night, then watch some stuff on Netflix.
Browse the web for another hour. Read the newest article on Thought Catalog and watch some cat videos. At 11:51 realize it's 11:51 and you haven't had breakfast. You're not hungry. But you have a lot of time so you decide to make some fancy breakfast. You deserve it. Google "easy breakfast recipes". They all look very tedious and like they will take a long time. You have no time to waste so you settle for French toast with caramelized bananas that you learned from your friend who is a chef the day before, after you came back from riding bikes.
Get out of bed at 12:01 and go to the kitchen. Remember how sore you are from riding bikes. Remember how you almost passed out yesterday because you were so out of shape. Make breakfast and go back to your room to eat while watching season four of Heroes. Drink some coffee. Spend the next 5~7.5 hours half-heartedly doing stuff on the internet. Occasionally begin other tasks but never really finish them. Hope somebody would visit you.
All through the day, think broadly of things like sushi, morals, weed, negativity, hope/hopelessness, super powers, boobs, making out, blogs/blogging, cheese, bacon, any combination of cheese and bacon, truth, green eyes, a county fair, 'being hornie', being lonely, peeing, maps, ghosts, sex, Nutella, crabs and other things.
Work out at night. 50 pushups and 50 crunches. Five sets of ten. Shower. Shave. Go to bed around 10 and spend the next two hours on the internet. Try to go to sleep at midnight, but you probably won't be able to because you're not tired. You didn't do anything all day. Another day gone to waste.
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