Well, pretty much thank you Everybody. The reception towards my ebook I'm Going to Fuck. And That's a Place You Little Asshole, Not a Verb. has been great. I got a bunch of likes, retweets, reblogs and positive feedback from people who matter to me and thank you for that, honestly.
Here are some reviews
Beach Sloth coverage
A review on Banango Lit's Valentine's Day Megapost by Walter Mackey (crazy little carnivorous)
Honestly thank you everybody.
Now, what Comes Next. I haven't planned to write another collection to release as an ebook any time soon, I feel like I said a lot of the things I've been feeling on I'm Going to Fuck.
I will continue to be an active member of the community. It is Great to be part of this and I love everybody. I will tweet hard as fuck. I will interact with you on Facebook aggressively. I will continue to generate content to upload to Tumblr and will reblog and <3 the shit out of your things.
I intend to keep blogging regularly like I used to. I will blog hard. I hope you 'stick with' and we continue to be friends for a long long time. Watch for more blogging! Be jacked
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