Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Stages in my Depression Cycle

I am depressed all the time, just to different levels. A lot of the time I even feel detached from my own 'depression' and don't know if it should even be called depression. It's more like bleakness -existential despair. I am depressed/bleak for many reasons and these are the levels and their description:

0-10% depressed- I am only at this low level of depression when I am drunk or on drugs. Seems like by ingesting mind altering substances the depressing thoughts that constantly surround my mind are overwritten by whatever I am doing when drunk or high. This has led me to develop a semi-addictive personality, since I like to not be depressed. I was a chronic weed smoker for two years because it made me feel good. Now I get drunk almost every weekend because it feels good. I call this 'semi-addictive behavior' because even though I do not need to be on these substances I would rather. I don't know.

15-25% depressed- I find myself at this level of depression whenever I am with people, not alone. When I am with people I feel like I have to think less and be there more. I feel like I should be lively and actively participate in the interaction. Maybe I am not really less depressed when I am with people but mask my depression very well.

40-65% depressed- This is my 'normal stage'. This is the level of depression I usually am. The things that make me depressed to this level are many common things I see around me: the way a person acts, what he/she says (usually something incredibly stupid or superficial [brought about probably by lack of self-awareness]), the mall, the music that gets played on the radio, night clubs, provocative clothes, models, money, etc. Maybe I'll write a post later of all the things that depress me. 

70-85% depressed- This is a 'danger zone'. When I am at this level of depression I know that I need to do something soon to prevent me from entering a downward spiral. I mostly arrive at this stage after prolonged periods of bleakness, stuck at previous level. This level is characterized by constant to nonstop thoughts of the things that get me depressed usually as well as questioning my life and what I am doing with it. "What am I doing with my life?" Like being depressed because I am depressed *~*meta*~*

90-100% depressed- I have only been at this level three or four times in my life. This level is usually triggered by a particular event, rather than the combination of thoughts about distressing things. The last time I was at this level was in the beginning of the year. I stayed in my room and didn't talk to anybody for a whole week. I drank vodka every night. I cleaned my room very thoroughly and organized my closet and drawers like I had never before. Every time I get out of this level I feel okay, I feel like it's gonna be harder for me to get to this level again.

The gaps between levels are transition zones. I pointed these out because that's what I can easily identify. 

It seems funny that things that are meant to depress people (depressing music, sad movies, etc) don't have that effect on me, or they do but because they don't. I feel like a robot a lot. I feel immensely detached from most things. I don't feel like I'm authentically experiencing [something] 95% of the time. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

i want to be the very best and i am not ash ketchum

i want to be the best
at every thing i do

i got a B for one of my classes
and i was angry
so angry i went like "aaaaggghhhhh, a fucking B!!?!"

i told my little brother, and he said
"a B is good"
and i said
"but it's not perfect, i want to be perfect"
he said "it's a little perfect"

i want to be the best at every thing that isn't subjective

i want to be the best student
i want  to be the best athlete
i want to be the best fucking soccer player
i want to be the best lover
i want to be the best person to be

"a little perfect"

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

i took my last two finals today
i am done with school
i am happy that i am done with school but not really
not as happy as i have been other times i have been done with school

i like being in school
it feels comforting doing what i am told to do by an authority i respect
i like a professor who clearly state what he or she wants from me
the less choices the better

i finally went to the gym again and it was good

i had a really fun time with my friends on the internet
we wrote 3 hours of literary puns
and talked nonsense
i laughed a lot
alone in my room
in front of the computer
listening to puro instinct

Saturday, December 10, 2011

a person i was playing beerpong with asked his girlfriend
"are you a bad bitch?"
and she said yeah
and he slapped her butt

i got depressed

does that make me a feminist?
i don't know
i feel like hank hill

i sang "ass so fat i need a lapdance"
even though i didn't believe in it

i don't know what i'm doing with my life
i think i have to leave

i spoke to a girl
but she was stupid so i left

am i gonna be alone forever?

i am so fucked

Friday, December 2, 2011

i feel more and more like
my whole life is an inside joke with myself
my sadness is funnie

and i am waiting for a person that will get it
but no one does

it feels stupid
that i shouldn't be troubled by everything

i used to smoke weed and feel good
but not anymore
now i drink
it doesn't make me feel good
or bad
it just makes me not feel

i think i need to leave