Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Things That Make Me Feel A Positive or Neutral Feeling (or Would, Today March 30th 2011)

  1. Sleeping
  2. Eating
  3. Smoking weed
  4. Playing soccer
  5. Writing things
  6. Listening to Grouper
  7. Listening to Puro Instinct
  8. Listening to Ariel Pink's album "Before Today"
  9. Making out with someone while listening to any of those^^
  10. Not feeling like I'm carrying the world on my shoulders/neck. (Not meant as the commonly used cliche for pressure, but actual pain. My neck hurts.)
  11. Reading things on Thought Catalog
  12. A funnie Hipster Runoff post
  13. Buying some things at Goodwill
  14. Stealing things from Target or Walmart
  15. That it was hot enough to just be naked
  16. Making some music (and actually like it)
  17. That it was summer already
  18. Being able to truly forget I have homework to do
  19. Meeting someone I can take interest in
  20. Going to a dance event and daring to actually dance
  21. FYF '11
  22. More good books
  23. Maybe an iPad, even though I decided I won't get it; it'd still be pretty sweet.
  24. Being able to sit through a whole movie on Netflix without opening __ other tabs.
  25. Some ice cream
  26. B00bs
  27. A hug
  28. Knowing how to swim
  29. A pool
  30. Playing pool
  31. Being less self-aware/losing some of my bleakness
  32. Having a Guinea pig as a pet
  33. Less retarded people
  34. Getting a job
  35. Getting a handjob
  36. Getting a blowjob
  37. White noise
  38. Finding more good music on Gorilla vs. Bear
  39. Losing body fat
  40. A new meme
  41. People liking my Facebook posts/being retweeted
  42. More things to write on this list

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